
We are a small, super-friendly bird club. Our motto is 20% birding, 80% fun!

The Cuckoo Bird Club was started in 1998 by Monty Brett. The first members were graduates on the Sappi/Brett Beginners Bird Course of 1997. The club is known for its laid back attitude to birding, for fun, knowledge and pleasure. Outings are designed to be pleasant and appeal to all, young and old, experienced and inexperienced and to cover most of the habitats that will provide the greatest variety of birds.

Annual membership fees: R320 per individual; R420 per couple/family membership; Meetings: R20 per member; non-members R40

Meetings take place every 3rd Tuesday of the month (unless a public holiday or you are notified otherwise), at the Wanderers Club, at 19h00 for 19h30

At these meetings we invite speakers who are authorities in their field, or who have interesting topics to present and share. Meetings generally finish by 21h00. Come early and join us for supper in the restaurant, before the meeting. Good food, great company.